전체 글
- 전류2 2018.04.08
- 전류1 2018.04.08
- 전기의 발생2 2018.04.07
- 전기의 발생1 2018.04.07
- The life history strategy of Penthorum chinense:implication for the restoration of early successional species 2017.05.30
- The optimal balance between sexual and asexual reproduction in variable environments: a systematic review 2017.03.01
2018. 4. 8. 14:54
2018. 4. 8. 14:51
전기의 발생2
2018. 4. 7. 23:27
전기의 발생1
2018. 4. 7. 23:22
The life history strategy of Penthorum chinense:implication for the restoration of early successional species
2017. 5. 30. 07:29
Flora (Germany, SCI, 2017/2018 Impact Factor : 1.365)
'나의 창작활동 > 나의 생태 논문' 카테고리의 다른 글
The optimal balance between sexual and asexual reproduction in variable environments: a systematic review
2017. 3. 1. 15:56
Optimal balance between sexualand asexual reproduction_수정MS.pdf
Journal of Ecology and Environment (Korea, Scopus, 2015/2016 Imfact factor 0.204)